
Golden Eggs

Golden Eggs, a presales support drawing utility from the good old DEC days, has just been made available by HP at the Visio Cafe Eggs page. Older eggs are in their solutions archive.

Also available is a set of Visio stencils for a whole bunch of DEC, Compaq, and HP equipment, so people with no drawnings of their computer facility now have no excuse.

Update: Ken Farmer is now hosting the eggs at the openvms.org eggs page.

Posted at May 19, 2003 6:43 PM
Tag Set:

Just an update, there is a full set of Alpha "Marvel" visio shapes now available. The Physical 'front and back' views are in the file called "Server-Alpha-large.vss" and the "Logical" ones are in the file called Server-Alpha-Logical.vss"



Posted by: Greg at July 30, 2003 6:56 PM

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