
My goodness, long time between posts

It's been over two years since I've posted anything here! The life of a VMS manager when the system they're managing is in maintenance mode and is being decommissioned is rather mundane.

However, just because I'm not being stretched at my day job doesn't mean I've forgotten about VMS!

I assume you've all been following along with the exciting news coming out of VSI about the port to x64? They're getting pretty close to a production release. Currently I'm not running a VMS system at home (although I've been meaning to do that, and have signed up for the hobbyist program, I just now need to acquire some suitable hardware). I'm hoping that I can delay that long enough so that I can just run the x64 version when it (hopefully) becomes available for hobbyists.

I'm being prompted to write this post because of an announcement I saw the other day concerning the documentation set for VMS. One of the things to come out of VSI assuming stewardship of VMS is that they've updated the documentation. My examples used to link to HP's copy of the documentation, but I've now gone and updated all the links. So, while I haven't updated the examples in quite some time, at least the links are fixed! Shoot me a message if you find something wrong.

Posted at November 6, 2021 12:54 PM

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