Résumé Summary

Full Name: James F. Duff

Availability: Jim is retired but you can ask if you think you have an exceptionally interesting short term challenge.

Jim is an experienced OpenVMS systems manager having worked in the Information Technology Industry since 1984. He possesses an excellent knowledge of the OpenVMS operating system to the internals level, with associated assembler and higher level language programming skills, enabling him to perform the function of a system programmer.

Jim's positions have seen him managing OpenVMS installations ranging in size from an American-based Fortune 200 organization to small companies using only a few machines.

These positions have included total responsibility for programming, security, operations support, national and international systems management and networking, capacity planning, tuning, technical standards, research, staff supervision and mentoring, and project management.

During his years of experience, Jim has had opportunity to use and manage a variety of DEC, Compaq, HP, and third party layered software products including:

Jim also has extensive experience in porting software, firstly from a PDP 11/70 RSTS/E system to VAX/VMS, from VAX/VMS to Alpha OpenVMS, and recently from Alpha OpenVMS to Itanium OpenVMS.

A full resume is available on request. Contact me for details.