January 2003

OpenVMS boots on Itanium!:   E-mail from Clair Grant announcing the boot of the OpenVMS operating system on the Itanium architecture. Congratulations, guys! (123 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

OpenVMS Technical Journal vol 1:   HP releases volume 1 of the OpenVMS Technical Journal (17 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

RSS 2.0 Comments:   Sydirella does do the right thing with comments links in my RSS 2.0 feed. I just had to delete and re-add the feed. Why didn't I think of that? Additionally, my MT template was incorrect. I don't know why it worked in the first place. Please see this updated version. (63 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

Drat?:   Comment elements in RSS 2.0 and Syndirella 0.91-pre (20030126) (31 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

Itanium gets a boost:   A press release at Intel's web site yesterday, Fujitsu To Work With Intel To Develop New Mission-Critical Enterprise Servers, indicates... (39 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

RSS 2.0 comment links:   Update to Movable Type RSS 2.0 template to support the comments element. (85 words, 0 comments, 1 pings)

HP Brags about Marvel:   Hewlett Packard have just released a page worth of performance figures and graphs about the new Marvel architechture machines.... (19 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

Spooky:   Riding home on the bicycle at 8 PM felt like I was in some gothic horror novel. (55 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

Syndirella report:   Both thumbs up for the new aggregator Syndirella. Dmitry has done a great job! (127 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

New Windows based Aggregator:   Dmitry Jemerov releases a .NET based news aggregator that has features we've all been waiting for. (79 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

HP announces new StorageWorks products:   MLP regarding HP's new offerings in the StorageWorks line of products (6 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

Lord of the Rings:   Link to an penetrating article concerning plot changes to The Two Towers. (45 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

Quotes to spend OPM:   I am currently engaged in paring down quotes to buy about 12 TB of raw disk space for the data... (145 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

Where have you been:   I have spent the last month back in sunny Sydney, Australia, playing catchup with family and friends. (196 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)