
Umm, what?

Recently, a webcast was done by Martin Fink, who is the head of the Business Critical Systems Group at HP. This group encompasses OpenVMS.

A series of questions where formulated in consultation with the Encompass members and delivered to Mr Fink prior to the webcast. Now, not having seen the webcast, I'm not sure if he addressed them during the event, however he responded in writing and Encompass published the questions and answers [.doc] on their website.

Reading through them, most seem like the standard political dodge. That is, say a lot while not saying a lot. Now, I hate to be negative on here, but questions and answers like this really worry me, particularly when the answers are not off the cuff:

Q: The OpenVMS customer base relies on some key ISVs in selected markets. Without strong ISV support, the VMS customer base will shrivel and die. We are aware that individuals in HP are working to persuade ISVs to deploy on HP-UX instead of OpenVMS. What is HP doing to support existing and attract new ISVs in those market segments and customers who rely on key, distinctive OpenVMS features and technologies?

A: ISVs continue to invest in and port their applications to OpenVMS – a manifestation of their endorsement and HP's encouragement. HP's strategy is to work towards the availability of the applications our customers demand. These include key databases such as Oracle Rdb, Oracle 10gR2, InterSystems CachÉ, and RMS. The OpenVMS lab helps key ISVs port their software to OpenVMS on Integrity servers as well as to validate the functionality of the base operating systems, layered products, and compilers. Plus, HP sponsors Integrity Porting Workshops for ISVs, as well as end user customers who develop in-house applications.

Wonderful. This sounds like the man in charge of OpenVMS thinks RMS is a third party product...

Posted at October 29, 2007 10:20 AM
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