

I developed a DCL procedure the other day to stamp build version information in image headers. Perhaps others may find this useful as a starting point in writing their own.

$! See bottom of file for comments
$        old_verify = f$verify (0)
$        set noon
$        say := write sys$output
$        status = 44
$        p1 = f$parse (p1,,,"name")
$        if p1 .eqs. ""
$        then
$            say "P1 must specify the image name (don't include .EXE)"
$            goto exit
$        endif
$        vers = ""
$        gen = ""
$        if f$trnlnm ("CMS$LIB") .eqs. ""
$        then
$            say "CMS library must be defined! Abort."
$            goto exit
$        endif
$        if f$search ("version.h") .eqs. ""
$        then
$            say "version.h not found! Abort."
$            goto exit
$        endif
$        open/error=error in version.h
$        read in record/end=end_vers_loop/error=error
$        if f$element (0, " ", record) .eqs. "#define" .and. -
            f$element (1, " ", record) .eqs. "SW_VERSION"
$        then
$            vers = f$element (2, " ", record)
$            goto end_vers_loop
$        endif
$        goto vers_loop
$        close in
$        if f$edit (vers, "collapse") .eqs. ""
$        then
$            say "Could not determine version from version.h! Abort."
$            goto exit
$        endif
$        vers = vers - """" - """"
$        gen_file = p1 + "." + vers
$        len = f$length (vers)
$        dash = f$locate ("-", vers)
$        if dash .lt. len
$        then
$            vers = f$extract (0, dash, vers) + "." + -
                    f$extract (dash + 1, len - dash, vers)
$            goto dash_loop
$        endif
$        gen_file_exists = 1
$        define/user sys$output nl:
$        define/user sys$error nl:
$        cms reserve 'gen_file' ""/nohist/nolog
$        if .not. $status
$        then
$            gen_file_exists = 0
$            open/write/error=error out 'gen_file'
$            write/error=error out "0"
$            close out
$        endif
$        open/error=error in 'gen_file'
$        read in record/end=badgen/error=error
$        close in
$        delete/nolog 'gen_file';*
$        gen = f$string (f$integer (record) + 1)
$        open/write/error=error out 'gen_file'
$        write/error=error out gen
$        close out
$        if gen_file_exists
$        then
$            cms replace 'gen_file' ""/nolog
$        else
$            cms create element 'gen_file' ""/nolog
$        endif
$        open/write/error=error out 'p1'.pcsi$desc
$        write/error=error out "product jfd axpvms ''p1' ''vers' full ;"
$        write/error=error out "  file [sysexe]''p1'.exe generation ''gen' ;"
$        write/error=error out "end product ;"
$        close out
$        create/dir [.kit]
$        if .not. $status
$        then
$            goto error
$        endif
$        define/user sys$output nl:
$        define/user sys$error nl:
$        product package -
                /options=noconfirm -
                /format=ref/mat=[]/sourc='p1'.pcsi$desc/dest=[.kit] 'p1'
$        if .not. $status
$        then
$            goto error
$        endif
$        delete/nolog 'p1'.exe;*
$        rename/nolog [.kit.sysexe]'p1'.exe []
$        set prot=o:rwed [.kit]*.*
$        set prot=o:rwed kit.dir
$        delete/nolog [.kit]*.*;*
$        delete/nolog kit.dir;*
$        delete/nolog 'p1'.pcsi$desc;*
$        status = 1
$        goto exit
$        status = $status
$        say "An unexpected error occured!"
$        say f$message (status)
$        goto exit
$        close in
$        say "Corrupt generation file!"
$        goto exit
$        if .not. status
$        then
$            delete/nolog 'p1'.exe;*
$        endif
$        exit (status + 0 * f$verify (old_verify))
$!        This procedure uses a feature of PRODUCT PACKAGE to set the
$!        "Image file build identification" string in an image header.  The
$!        command procedure is designed to be called from MMS build scripts,
$!        thus recording the "build number" in the image.
$!        The script takes a number of things as input:
$!                P1 is the image name for the image to be worked on.  Note
$!                   that the file name shouldn't include the ".EXE" part of
$!                   the name
$!                 VERSION.H must exist in the current directory and contain a
$!                   line of the form #define SW_VERSION "X00-00"
$!                Your CMS library must be set to the correct one (duh)
$!                An element called GENERATION.X00-00 (or whatever the
$!                   SW_VERSION from VERSION.H is) must be an existing element
$!                   in the CMS library, and it must contain exactly one line
$!                   with a digit in the range of 0 through 4294967295.
$!                   If the file doesn't exist, it will be created.
$!        James F. Duff
$!        05-Mar-2007
$!        05-Mar-2007        JFD        Original version
$!        12-Mar-2007        JFD        Exit with status.  If failure, delete
$!                                      the exe so MMS will recreate it.
$!        14-Mar-2007        JFD        Better error handling.

Posted at March 8, 2007 10:34 AM
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