
StorageWorks XP1024 support?

Time to make some noise about the lack of information concerning OpenVMS compatibility with the StorageWorks XP1024 offering from HP.

The XP1024 is a rebadged Hitachi system, and if you look on the web site at the page concerning operating system compatibility for this machine, you might have to resort to using the search function of your browser to find the single mention of OpenVMS.

But it does say it's supported. That's encouraging. Too bad there isn't further information. As there is for Window, Solaris, and AIX, all operating systems made by HP's competitors.

Maybe there is information on the OpenVMS site? A search however, fails to return any results.

When I first noticed this lack of information, I was convinced that the XP1024 was not supported, and the first page was a typo, however an e-mail communication to an appropriately placed person in HP got me an assurance that the system certainly is supported under OpenVMS.

If this is so, why isn't HP actively making information about this product available to the OpenVMS community?

Posted at February 6, 2004 5:42 PM
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