
Serialization lock

Carl Perkins: ...[watchdir] doesn't use the NMX byte to get the full range of file numbers, instead using only the RVN byte, so it will not always work as advertised on a more modern system - it will tend to operate on the wrong file if the desired file uses the NMX bits to extend its file number past the 16 bit limit...

Carl is right on the money. When I originally wrote Watch Dir some time ago, all I had for reference was the "VMS File Systems Internals" book. Actually, that is all I still have. Needless to say, that book is a little vague in places.

Now, however, I think I now know a few things that are not included in that book, thanks to Carl and others.

To make a stab at getting this right, I would like to speak to anyone that has access to a reasonably recent copy of the listing files CD and can look something up for me.

For the time being, I have disabled downloads of the program.

Posted at March 23, 2003 5:12 PM
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