
A new machine

We took delivery of most of a new GS160 Alphaserver today. The systems box was a little large to get off the liftgate of the truck, and rather than risking dropping it (eeek) the driver is transfering it to a truck with a larger liftgate and will deliver it tomorrow.

This machine is going to be the largest machine on the production floor. Sixteen 1.25 GHz CPUs and 64 GB of main memory. Sixteen PCI buses, six fibrechannel adapters, six gigabit ethernet adapters, and six memorychannel adaptors.

The machine will be soft partitioned into three hosts using the galaxy software incorportated in OpenVMS. It will be clustered with the existing GS160 to form a 6 node cluster with 32 CPUs and a total of 96 GB of memory that will run the majority of the data warehouse application.


Posted at February 10, 2003 6:18 PM
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