
Upgrades successful

The upgrades were successfully completed yesterday, and barring two minor application issues this morning, it went without a hitch. Of course this now means I have a bunch of hardware and software work to do that was dependant on getting to OpenVMS 7.3...

Posted at April 14, 2002 10:11 AM
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We are currently upgrading our alpha 1200 system to Open VMS 7.3. It is also a cluster. I'm looking for advice on patches and the order they are installed and supported layered products. Could you help me.

Posted by: Emma Lawlor at June 10, 2003 6:46 AM

For patches, see Sydney Customer Support Centre OpenVMS ECO information. Apply all level 1 patches. Apply all level 2 patches that affect products that you have. Apply all level 3 patches that fix problems that you have. Each set of release notes for the patches lists dependencies, which afffect the order you apply them.

For a list of compatible software products, see the Software Rollout Reports.

Posted by: Jim Duff at June 10, 2003 7:01 AM

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